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こちら Japan flag を選択して頂くと、言語設定が日本語に切り替わります。設定変更後は以下の機能が利用可能です。

  • 日本語版ウェブサイトへのクイックアクセスが可能となり、日本語の刊行物をご覧頂けます。

  • 日本語版が閲覧可能な刊行物や記事については、日本語が優先表示されます。表示言語については Japan flag をご参照下さい。

閉じる 言語設定を切り替えたい場合には、国旗のマークをクリックして下さい。

By selecting Japan flag, you have now set your language to Japanese. This has several benefits, including:

  • Providing quick access to our Japan page, which collates all our Japanese content in one place.

  • Ensures that content is presented to you in Japanese first, if we have an article, publication or webpage available in Japanese. Look out for the Japan flag indicators across the site.

Close If you’d like to change your language preferences again, simply click on one of the other flags.

点击选择 China flag,可将网站语言设置为中文。这能帮助您:

  • 快速访问我们的中国区页面,该页面将有网站内容的中文汇总。

  • 在我们的文章、出版物或者网页有中文版本提供的情况下,确保首先向您展示的是中文版本的内容。您可关注站点上的 China flag 按键。

关闭 点击任意其他国旗,可切换您的语言偏好。

By selecting China flag, you have now set your language to Chinese. This has several benefits, including:

  • Providing quick access to our China page, which collates all our Chinese content in one place.

  • Ensures that content is presented to you in Chinese first, if we have an article, publication or webpage available in Chinese. Look out for the China flag indicators across the site.

Close If you’d like to change your language preferences again, simply click on one of the other flags.

Sanctions in Global Shipping

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To find out more on sanctions in global shipping, please visit our dedicated sanctions area on our NorthStandard website: Sanctions.

Contact our sanctions team directly at to discuss your enquiries in more detail.

Shipping Sanctions FAQ's

What are maritime sanctions?

Sanctions are an ever more popular tool used by the United Nations, the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom and other individual states as a visible sign of disapproval and as a means of achieving foreign and economic policy goals. Sanctions, and the enforcement of sanctions, are increasingly focused on the maritime and insurance industries. As ships regularly travel to different countries, carrying a variety of cargo and often visiting ports in high-risk jurisdictions, international sanctions are incredibly important to consider. Sanctions will affect your day-to-day business and the risks of non-compliance can be severe.  

Are each country's sanctions different?

Yes! No one country has the same sanctions. It is not just the number of different sanctions programmes that create challenges, the pace of change, with amendments to sanctions programs on an almost daily basis, means that knowledge needs to be constantly refreshed. Our site focuses on sanctions enforced by the UK, United States of America and the European Union on Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Ukraine/Russia and Venezuela. However, a full list of countries subject to UN, EU, UK and/or U.S. sanctions can be found in our Sanctions Regimes document. To find out more, please get in touch with our Sanctions Advice Group.

What is the Sanctions Advice Group?

At North, we have a dedicated Sanction Advice Group that is available 365 days a year. We understand the importance of sanctions compliance on your business. Our team will guide you through the current sanctions that are imposed, the steps needed to prevent a violation of these sanctions, the protective sanction clauses, and how a voyage may impact the scope of your P&I insurance. Our team can be reached on, or direct as listed on our Sanctions page. 

Where can I find Maritime Sanction Guidance?

At North, we offer a Sanctions Guide for Owners and Charterers, our comprehensive Sanctions Regimes Guide alongside direct advice and guidance available every day of the year. We also publish timely news, articles and publications to keep you up to date with the latest sanctions developments. If you wish to further your knowledge, additional information can be found via the UK government website.

Sanction Areas


Despite some normalisation, there are still sanctions and a trade embargo in place between the United States and Cuba.

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Sanctions imposed by the United States and European Union have significantly impacted trade to and from Iran.

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North Korea

Sanctions against North Korea are extremely wide-ranging. It's increasingly important to be aware of their scale and implications to make sure of compliance.

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With extensive restrictions and sanctions following ongoing unrest, the ability to trade with Syria has been greatly affected.

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Sanctions has been imposed on those responsible for violating Ukraine's sovereignty and territory, as well as to change Russian policy.

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Up-to-date information on sanctions imposed on Venezuela.

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Sanctions Advice Group

We recognise the vital importance of sanctions’ compliance to your business.

Our dedicated Sanctions Advice Group is at your disposal every day of the year to help guide you through:

  • The current sanctions imposed against particular countries.
  • Steps to prevent an inadvertent violation of sanctions.
  • Protective sanctions clauses.
  • Potential risks of any contemplated voyage or business.
  • How a particular voyage might impact the scope of your P&I insurance.

Our team can be reached on

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