To find out more on how NorthStandard is committed to helping our members and shipowners across the globe make a safe, sustainable and successful transition to greener energy solutions, please visit our dedicated Decarbonisation area on our NorthStandard website: Navigating Decarbonisation.
IMO Targets
By 2030: reduce Total annual GHG emissions from international shipping by at least 20% striving for 30% compared to 2008 levels.
By 2040: reduce Total annual GHG emissions from international shipping by at least 70% striving for 80% compared to 2008 levels.
To reduce CO2 emissions per transport work, as an average across international shipping, by at least 40% by 2030, compared to 2008
The impact on shipping will be felt by vessel owners, operators, charterers and national authorities. Learn more about the legislation and compliance options available to shipowners, as well as the contractual and charterparty issues.
Navigating Decarbonisation FAQ's
What is decarbonisation in shipping?
Decarbonisation is a way of reducing carbon in shipping. The IMO has set targets for shipping to reduce Greenhouse gases by 2050 in a phased approach. Decarbonising the shipping industry may be achieved through alternative fuels, renewable energy sources, innovative technologies, as well as technical and operational strategies to reduce fuel consumption for new and existing ships. Learn more about the legislation and compliance options available to shipowners, as well as the contractual and charter party issues by contacting one of our specialists today.
What are the barriers to decarbonisation in shipping?
Shipping can be quite a difficult industry to decarbonise as vessels require fuel for international transit. Shipping transports up to 90% of the world’s trade and based on current activity contributes to nearly 3% of global emissions. Without efforts to decarbonise shipping this could increase to 17% by 2050. To tackle this, several industry initiatives have been introduced including new global government emissions targets, as well as a range of emerging technologies and alternative fuel and energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions. North’s in-house specialist team and external experts offer advice and guidance in navigating decarbonisation through our Navigating Decarbonisation webinar series.
Can shipping navigate to net-zero?
By 2050, the global maritime shipping industry is committed to moving to net-zero. For further developments in the shipping industry, The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has stated that to reach net zero, 5 percent of the global shipping fleet will need to be zero-emissions by 2030. At the 2021 international COP26 conference in Glasgow, important differences emerged as to whether market or regulatory rules would be most effective in driving global shipping towards net zero.
Why do we need to decarbonise global shipping?
Full decarbonisation of our energy systems is the only solution to climate stabilisation, according to the World Economic Forum. At North we’re here to assist you in making the right decisions for your business and to take the appropriate steps in your decarbonisation journey. Talk to our specialists today to find out more.
Navigating Decarbonisation Issues

Navigating Decarbonisation: Act Now - Webinar Series
Our team of in-house and specially selected external experts continue to provide the latest advice ad guidance in our Navigating Decarbonisation webinar series.
View the series