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Impetus for Change
Fifty years after the 1967 Torrey Canyon oil spill off south west England, protection of the marine environment still drives continuous development in all aspects of ship design, equipment and training. The impetus for change is as powerful as it ever was, with a stream of new conventions, laws and rules to protect the marine environment through the ever-increasing regulation of shipping.
These new laws are complex, they address risks that are only starting to be understood and they cross international, regional and national boundaries. Environmental risks are greater because trade is growing and ships are becoming larger. Social media guarantees that marine pollution incidents are now played out on the world’s stage.
Our Expert Team
North’s ‘Pollution Enquiry Group’ is a dedicated team of experts from P&I, Loss Prevention and Underwriting.
The team has over 100 years of experience in P&I, it includes master mariners who have commanded all types of tankers and lawyers who have advised in some of the largest pollution incidents of recent years. Members of our team regularly attend pollution incidents across the world, standing beside our Members and helping to address the expectations of the local authorities and the local populations.
Our team can be reached on or by direct contact with any of the team members listed below.
Marine Environment FAQ's
What is a marine environment?
The marine environment is the oceans, seas and estuaries, the seabed, its subsoils, marine wildlife and its sea and coastal habitats.
Why are marine environments important?
A healthy marine ecosystem is important to society, they provide food security, raw materials for medicines, building materials from coral rock and sand, and natural defences against hazards such as coastal erosion and inundation.
How does shipping affect the marine environment?
Protection of the marine environment is one of the most important issues affecting global shipping today. Ship routes or ‘marine roads’, can cause extensive pollution. Some forms of shipping pollution may be concentrated within these shipping routes whereas others have a larger footprint. The ship can affect the marine environment directly or indirectly, through oil pollution from capsized ships, discharge of oil contaminated bilge water, ship emissions and exhaust, as well as ballast water containing marine life. The ship engines are a contributing factor to noise pollution, this can cause physical damages, whereas persistent background noise, such as that from anchored cruise ships, can alter communication and feeding behaviours in marine animals.
How does the P&I system help deal with pollution from shipping?
Severe maritime incidents remain relatively rare, but the global shipping industry is judged on its response to these incidents when they arise. The speed and calibre of that response relies on the international network of technical and operational support combined with the financial resources that today’s P&I system provides, all supplemented by the backing of a unique reinsurance programme. This well-established and well-regarded system, based on the founding principles of mutuality and support between shipowners, has been instrumental in allowing global shipping to operate whilst reassuring international regulatory and public stakeholders that there is a tested and proven approach to rapidly and comprehensively dealing with maritime incidents.
How can I be protected against a pollution incident?
North’s ‘Pollution Enquiry Group’ is an expert team from P&I, Loss Prevention and Underwriting dedicated to prevention, preparedness, response and compensation. Our team has over 100 years of experience in P&I, and includes master mariners who have commanded all types of tankers and lawyers who have advised in some of the largest pollution incidents of recent years. We will ensure our Members are protected against any pollution incidents, and will always stand by you to help address the expectations of the local authorities and the local populations.
Matthew Moore
Global Head of P&I Claims
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 790 303 2778
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
James Moran
Chief Operating Officer / Head of P&I Claims - Asia Pacific
- Office
- +65 6411 0160
- Mobile
- +65 8382 8692
- Office Location
- Singapore
Brian McGregor
P&I Claims Director - Asia Pacific
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 793 693 0596
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Colin Gillespie
Global Head of Loss Prevention
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 781 601 9608
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Gordon Robertson
Head of Greece
- Office
- +30 210 428 3038
- Mobile
- +30 694 159 4666
- Office Location
- Greece - Piraeus (Temporarily closed for refurbishment, see Athens address)
Iain Gilchrist
P&I Claims Director - Asia Pacific, UK Lead
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 791 709 8360
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Sachin Shanbhag
Head of P&I Claims - Nordics & Northern Europe
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 772 137 7112
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Sanchit Dutta
Head of Middle East, India & Africa and Head of Underwriting - Middle East, India & Africa
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 7827 950676
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Robin Hill
Deputy Underwriter - Middle East, India & Africa
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 791 701 8881
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Allistair Ridgley
P&I Claims Director - Americas, UK & Ireland
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 758 439 2639
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Jenny Chu
P&I Claims Senior Executive - Asia Pacific
- Office
- +852 2544 6813
- Mobile
- +852 9026 8530
- Office Location
- China (Hong Kong)
Neil Watson
Director - Correspondent Liason & Performance
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 750 098 8423
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Peter Scott
P&I Claims Consultant
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 774 814 4347
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Sam Nicholls
Head of P&I Claims - Middle East, India & Africa
- Office
- +65 6411 0160
- Mobile
- +65 91123876
- Office Location
- Singapore
Stephen Pennicott
P&I Claims Director - Nordics & Northern Europe
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 785 016 3233
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Captain Stephen Sayer
P&I Claims Director - Mediterranean
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 750 415 0003
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Michelle Foster
Head of P&I Claims UK Lead - Americas,UK & Ireland
- Office
- +44 191 232 5221
- Mobile
- +44 781 857 4021
- Office Location
- UK (Newcastle)
Linus Wang
Senior Executive (Claims)
- Office
- +86 21 3536 3002
- Mobile
- +86 13 9181 89272
- Office Location
- China (Shanghai)
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Additional Environmental Issues

Ballast Water Management
Ballast water and its impact on the environment is an important topic, but differing rules have caused uncertainty and concern in the industry. We have pulled together information to help you better understand the issue.
Find out more
2020 Sulphur Cap
The reduction of the MARPOL Annex VI global fuel sulphur cap to 0.5% will come into force on 1 January 2020. If you’re a shipowner or operator, you will have important decisions to make so you comply with these requirements.
Find out more