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Are you prepared against cyber risks? Accidents, financial loss, business disruption and damage to your reputation can all happen as a result of electronic systems failing or being attacked.
Discover how cyber risks can affect P&I cover, how you can improve your cyber resilience and read our latest guidance, articles and expert opinion relating to cyber security.
Want to know more?
Contact our cyber security experts Colin Gillespie or Adrian Durkin on +44 191 232 5221
Cyber Security Issues
Cyber Security FAQ's
What is cyber security?
The application of technologies, processes and controls to protect systems, networks, devices and data from cyber-attacks. Cyber security is put in place to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and protect critical information against unauthorised exploitation. The UK government has recently issued a warning of an increased likelihood of cyber attacks from Russia, with the National Cyber Security Centre urging businesses to ensure their cybersecurity measures are up to date. There are also concerns that shipping companies providing vital food, medical supplies and goods will be targeted. You can find out more on this fast moving situation in our dedicated expertise area Ukraine Conflict.
Does my P&I insurance cover cyber risks?
While many insurance policies specifically exclude losses or liabilities’ arising from cyber risks, International Group P&I cover does not. This means that Members benefit from the same level of P&I cover should a claim arise due to a cyber risk, as they would from such a claim arising from a traditional risk. As always, cover is subject to the Club rules. Any P&I cover can be prejudiced by the failure to take reasonable steps to prevent foreseeable loss or liability, and as more and more potential cyber risks are being identified all clubs will expect to see operation of sensible and properly managed cyber risk policies and systems both ashore and on vessels if a cyber risk leads to a claim.
How can I reduce the risks of cyberattacks?
Each company must take steps to reduce the risk of cyberattacks to minimise the potential impact on their business operations. There are two types of responses; the technical response and the procedural response. To find out more take a look at North’s guidelines to ensure your contingency plans are in place to deal with the raft of today’s potential threats. Organisations must have a robust cybersecurity policy in place, where staff are trained and the rules and procedures are followed. It is unlikely that all systems can ever be 100% technically secure, so developing cyber resilience is the key to managing cyber risk. An approach which welds resistance, response and learning from previous cyber attacks across the shipping industry will lead to better resilience.
What are the cyber risks in shipping?
In a shipping context a cyber risk may be the failure of an onboard GPS receiver due to a fault with the equipment, extending right through to catastrophic scenarios of vessel systems being attacked and the vessel being disabled, deliberately run aground or taken over by malicious third parties. This could be caused through outdated or missing antivirus software and protection from malware, shipboard computer networks which lack boundary protection measures and segmentation of networks, inadequate access controls for third parties including contractors and service providers, and safety-critical equipment or systems always connected with the shoreside. At North, our team of cybersecurity specialists will guide you on the process of creating a safer environment.
How can I identify cyber threats?
The IMO’s guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management identify four groups who may give rise to a threat. They are activists (including disgruntled employees), criminals, opportunists (they like the challenge of breaking in) and states or terrorists. Each has different motivations and objectives. Once a threat and their motives have been identified, it’s important to assess the risk, look at how that risk can be reduced, contingency plan and implement a formal response, recovery and investigation. Read our ‘Cyber Risks in Shipping’ Briefing for more detail.
How important is cybersecurity in the maritime industry?
Cybersecurity is crucial to ensure the safety of the crew, vessel, cargo and even ports. There’s already been a number of examples which demonstrate that criminals and others have already successfully targeted shipping companies via electronic systems. Technology and connectedness will play an increasing role in shipping and this creates opportunities for criminals and others. Shipping companies wishing to reduce risks to protect operational efficiency and profitably should therefore take steps to make their organisations less vulnerable to cyber risks.

Your Cyber Security Experts
Adrian Durkin
Head of Claims Operations & Performance

Your Cyber Security Experts
Colin Gillespie
Global Head of Loss Prevention

Your Cyber Security Experts
Adrian Durkin
Head of Claims Operations & Performance

Your Cyber Security Experts
Colin Gillespie
Global Head of Loss Prevention

Your Cyber Security Experts
Adrian Durkin
Head of Claims Operations & Performance
Latest News & Articles
Member Benefit - Cyber Security Evaluation
North P&I Club Recommends HA - Cyber Risk Assessment Platform to Members
Cyber Risks - Time to Act
Cyber Security Onboard Ships – Updated Industry Guidelines
Cyber Risk Falls Under ISM Code
North P&I Club Joins Industry Coalition to Combat Cyber Crime
Cyber Risks in Shipping – Regulation Getting Closer?
Be Cyber Aware at Sea
Cyber Risks and PSC Inspections
US Warns on GPS Interference
ICC Warns of Scammers Exploiting COVID-19 Pandemic
Cyber Security: Kick Start - New Member Benefit for Cyber Security Compliance
North P&I Club Launches New Initiative to Help Members Prepare for the IMO’s Cyber Security Deadline
North P&I Club's CIO James Holmes Highlights the Importance of Cyber Security & Resilience at this Year's #Cyberfest
USCG Issues Alert on Potential Cyber Vulnerabilities on Board Vessels
US Port State Control Authorities Impersonated in Phishing Attempts
New Cyber Security Clause from BIMCO
Singapore Tech Company Brings AI to Peru’s Trout Farms
Cybersecurity: A Growing Concern
Can Blockchain Fit the E-bill?
New Guidance on Cyber Security: Act now!
Phishing Email 2018
Cyber Security – New IACS Recommendations Published
North P&I Club Awarded with Cyber Essential Plus Accreditation
NATO Requests Reports of GPS Interference
ECDIS Cyber Security
Be Watchful for Fake North P&I Club Emails
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Cyber Fraud – Increasing Sophistication
Blockchain – Future or Fad for Shipping?
Fraud by Email - Misdirected Payments
Cyber Security Evaluation - Webinar Reminder
Member Benefit - Cyber Security Evaluation
North P&I Club Recommends HA - Cyber Risk Assessment Platform to Members
Cyber Risks - Time to Act
Cyber Security Onboard Ships – Updated Industry Guidelines
Cyber Risk Falls Under ISM Code
North P&I Club Joins Industry Coalition to Combat Cyber Crime
Cyber Risks in Shipping – Regulation Getting Closer?
Be Cyber Aware at Sea
Cyber Risks and PSC Inspections
US Warns on GPS Interference
ICC Warns of Scammers Exploiting COVID-19 Pandemic
Cyber Security: Kick Start - New Member Benefit for Cyber Security Compliance
North P&I Club Launches New Initiative to Help Members Prepare for the IMO’s Cyber Security Deadline
North P&I Club's CIO James Holmes Highlights the Importance of Cyber Security & Resilience at this Year's #Cyberfest
USCG Issues Alert on Potential Cyber Vulnerabilities on Board Vessels
US Port State Control Authorities Impersonated in Phishing Attempts
New Cyber Security Clause from BIMCO
Singapore Tech Company Brings AI to Peru’s Trout Farms
Cybersecurity: A Growing Concern
Can Blockchain Fit the E-bill?
New Guidance on Cyber Security: Act now!
Phishing Email 2018
Cyber Security – New IACS Recommendations Published
North P&I Club Awarded with Cyber Essential Plus Accreditation
NATO Requests Reports of GPS Interference
ECDIS Cyber Security
Be Watchful for Fake North P&I Club Emails
Cyber Fraud - A Continued Threat
Cyber Fraud – Increasing Sophistication
Blockchain – Future or Fad for Shipping?
Fraud by Email - Misdirected Payments
Cyber Security Evaluation - Webinar Reminder
Member Benefit - Cyber Security Evaluation
North P&I Club Recommends HA - Cyber Risk Assessment Platform to Members
Cyber Risks - Time to Act
Cyber Security Onboard Ships – Updated Industry Guidelines
Cyber Risk Falls Under ISM Code
North P&I Club Joins Industry Coalition to Combat Cyber Crime
Cyber Risks in Shipping – Regulation Getting Closer?
Be Cyber Aware at Sea
Latest Publications
Cyber Risks in Shipping - Briefing
- Briefing