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North P&I Club bids farewell to outgoing SCI head Sabyasachi Hajara

North P&I Club held a reception yesterday evening (7 December 2012) in Mumbai to honour the retirement of Sabyasachi Hajara, Chairman and Managing Director of The Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) – one of the ‘A’ rated, 170 million GT Club’s largest Members.

The event at the historic Taj Mahal Palace Hotel was attended by a wide cross-section of the Indian shipping community, including shipowners, brokers, lawyers, local officials and their guests. North’s two Indian directors Atul Agarwal of Mercator Limited and Bharat Sheth of Great Eastern Shipping hosted the reception along with joint Managing Director Paul Jennings and head of underwriting and director Savraj Mehta.

Hajara (60) was appointed SCI Chairman and Managing Director in 2005 and is being succeeded at the end of his seven-year term by Sunil Thapar on 1 January 2013. He was elected president of the Indian National Shipowners’ Association in 2007, a post he held until this year when he was succeeded by Agarwal, and has also served as vice president and director of the International Shipping Federation.

Jennings paid tribute to Hajara for his contribution and commitment to the shipping industry, both in India and worldwide, ‘It has been a great privilege to know and work with you. We have always been inspired by your enthusiasm and support, and hope you will always be a friend of the Club’

Speaking of Hajara’s leadership of SCI, Mehta said ‘The last seven years have been exceptional years and when one leaves such environs there is bound to be a deep feeling of not wanting to depart, both by individuals and the people who surround him.  But every end has a beginning, and while we say goodbye to Mr Hajara from his reign at SCI, I am confident we will continue to work together in shipping and our paths will meet again.  It has been a great and a fabulous time knowing Mr Hajara, both as a friend and a Member of North P&I Club, where we are proud to say he was an absolute gentlemen and handled things in a most fair manner.’

North insures most of India’s major shipping companies. In addition to SCI, Great Eastern and Mercator Lines, Members include Adani Shipping, ArcelorMittal, Apeejay Shipping, Chellaram Shipping, Chowgule Steamships, Goodearth Maritime, Orient Express Lines, Shreyas Shipping, Tolani Shipping and Varun Shipping and others. The Club began writing business in the country in the 1990s and has developed a strong presence over the past 12 years. The Indian and Middle East region now accounts for 11% of North’s total global membership.

For further information contact: Savraj Mehta or Paul Jennings +44 191 232 5221

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