India Provides Guidance on Ban on Single-Use Plastics
14 January 2020
The Director General of Shipping (DGS), Mumbai has issued an addendum to their earlier order on the prohibition on use of single-use plastics on board vessels, the requirements of which were subsequently deferred.
As reported by Intercargo, Addendum No.1 of the DGS Order 5 of 2019 (Prohibition on use of Single Use Plastics on-Board Merchant Ships) provides the methodology to be adopted for complying with the requirements.
This methodology covers:
- Re-defining single-use plastics for a clearer understanding
- Adopting a methodology of self-regulation by allowing ships to prepare their own execution plan
- Preparation of inventory of single-use plastic on board ship by:
- cargo ships 31 January 2020
- passenger ships31 March 2020
- Clarification to use waste reception facilities at Indian ports for disposal of single-use plastics
The DGS addendum can be read here.
11 December 2019
The Directorate-General of Shipping (DGS), Mumbai has issued a notice that delays the implementation of the ban on single-use plastics on vessels.
A revised implementation date has not yet been announced by the DGS. It is anticipated that an addendum to the original circular (05 of 2019) will be issued in due course and address the revisions.
The DGS notice can be read here.
24 October 2019
The new regulation applies to all Indian vessels and all foreign vessels that call to any port or place in India.
The ban will take effect in two stages – the first effective immediately and the second stage on 1 January 2020.
Single-use plastic items prohibited with immediate effect:
- Cutlery, plates and cups
- Water and other drinks bottles up to 10 litres
- Garbage and shopping bags
- Dispensing containers for cleaning fluids which are less than 10 litres.
Taking effect from 1 January 2020, the following single-use plastics are prohibited:
- Bags, trays, containers, food packaging film
- Milk bottles, freezer bags, shampoo bottles, ice cream containers
- Bottle for water and other drinks, dispensing containers for cleaning fluids, biscuit trays
- Hot drink cups, insulated food packaging, protective packaging for fragile items
- Microwave dishes, ice cream tubs, potato chip bags, bottle caps.
Port State Control Enforcement
Single-use plastic items must be stored prior entering Indian territorial waters. Vessels calling at Indian ports are required to make a log entry identifying the ‘Single Use Plastic Items’ on board the ship, along with the onboard location of where these items are stored, and the time and ship’s position of when this is done.
No single use plastic items are to be discharged to a port reception facility at Indian ports.
PSC inspectors may verify compliance with this regulation as part of a PSC inspection. However, the Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) has stated that no detentions of foreign ships will be enforced. A handwritten deficiency in the printed PSC Form ‘B’ (to be rectified prior departure) may be issued.