Government of India Satellite Phone Ban
The Director General of India has recently issued DGS Order No.02 of 2012which bans the use of Thuraya, Iridium, and other satellite phones in India and in Indian waters under section six (6) of Indian Wireless Act section 20 of Indian Telegraph Act.
Satellite phones may still be used on a case by case basis but only after a No Objection Certificate is applied for and issued by the Department of Telecommunications (DOT)
Vessels with satellite phones onboard must include the phone(s) particulars when submitting their Pre Arrival Notification on Security (PANS).
Members should be aware that there are Thuraya handsets that have a dual-mode feature that allows them to operate as satellite phones and GSM terrestrial mobile phones; this may impact use of these phones in India as GSM phones until the No Objection Certificate has been issued.