Chittagong Outer Anchorage *Update*
Update 26 October 2016
Local marine consultants MARINECARE Consultants Bangladesh Ltd have kindly provided further information relating to the recent collisions at Chittagong Outer Anchorage.
They report their involvement in a number of investigations into collisions resulting from vessels dragging their anchor. They highlight the importance of adhering to the draft restrictions at the anchorage and have forwarded a Chittagong Port Authority circular of June 2016 which recommends 2.0m UKC on arrival. The port authority circular can be read here.
20 October 2016
The Club has noted a number of recent collision incidents at Chittagong outer anchorage, Bangladesh. Our Bangladesh correspondents, Interport Maritime Ltd., have told us that there have been more ships than usual using the anchorage. They believe the increased number of incidents is due to the increase in vessel numbers.
Members are advised to remind Masters of vessels calling at Chittagong outer anchorage that:
1. Holding ground at the anchorage is moderate at best.
2. Tidal streams during spring tides are very strong, up to 8 knots.
3. After heavy rainfall the tidal streams may be even greater.
4. During high winds and long swells, conditions are even more difficult.
5. Deep draft vessels are at particular risk of dragging anchor.
Masters should be advised to:
1. Use sufficient length of cable when anchoring.
2. Maintain strict anchor watch.
3. Have main engine ready for immediate use in case of dragging anchor, especially during spring tides.
4. If practicable, avoid crossing ahead of anchored vessels.