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Club Management - April 2011

CIRCULAR REF: 2011/015


We wish to provide an up-date on a number of Senior Management changes within the Club.


As we announced on 25th March, 2011, after 22 years’ service, Stephen Purvis head of the Club’s FD&D Department, will be leaving at the end of September.  Stephen has decided that he would like to be self employed, possibly developing a career as an Arbitrator and Mediator.  No doubt there will be many times ahead where our paths will cross again.  As the first FD&D lawyer employed by the Association, Stephen was instrumental in recruiting a very able and professional team of lawyers, building it up to be the largest FD&D team in the business.  Stephen also introduced several new innovative insurance products and initiatives which added to the attraction of membership of the Association’s FD&D Class, which has grown to be the second largest FD&D insurer in the world.  In addition, Stephen played an important role in developing Scandinavian and other markets for the Association.

We are sure you will join us in thanking Stephen for all his efforts and contribution over many years’ service to the Association and its Members and to wish him all the very best for the future, both personally and professionally.

Since Stephen made his decision, we have reviewed the leadership needs of the FD&D Department and we are pleased to announce that Katherine Birchall and Stephen Mills have been appointed as joint heads of FD&D with immediate effect.

Katherine, a NIML Director and Solicitor, has been involved in all aspects of FD&D since she joined the Association in 1996 from London law firm, Norton Rose, whilst Stephen, also a NIML Director and Solicitor, has been General Counsel to the P&I Department and a member of the FD&D team since he joined the Association in 2007 from Newcastle law firm, Rayfield Mills (of which he was a founding partner).


As we also announced on 7 March, 2011, Savraj Mehta has been appointed as the Club’s head of Underwriting,  Savraj will continue to underwrite business, and will have overall responsibility for the operational, technical and management aspects of the Underwriting Department, and he will be supported in his role by Underwriting Directors John Howe, who in particular will be leading the development of the new North Hull Class, and Thya Kathiravel who will be driving the development of our Offshore business.

Savraj, a NIML Director and former Master Mariner, has been involved in all aspects of underwriting since he joined the Association in 1995, including developing the Association’s business in India and the Middle East.

We are sure that these appointments will enable North to continue to develop successfully and to meet the service needs and aspirations of our membership, and we wish Katherine, Stephen and Savraj every success in their new roles.



JOINT MANAGING DIRECTORS – North Insurance Management Limited


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