Stowaway Search Contracts
Stowaways are increasingly becoming more adventurous, not only with their method of boarding a vessel, but also with their place of hiding if they manage to board the vessel undetected.
This means that detecting and disembarking stowaways for repatriation is increasingly difficult. In order to assist crews with this aspect of their work, stowaway search companies are sometimes employed. However, even professional search companies using dogs do not always detect stowaways. Obviously this gives rise to problems for the vessel.
North is aware that the terms and conditions of some stowaway search companies exclude the right to an indemnity in respect of any losses or liabilities which arise where the search company has failed to detect stowaways. As such we would strongly recommend that before a stowaway search company is appointed, their terms and conditions are fully reviewed. This is to ensure that the shipowner has a right of recovery in the event of stowaways being discovered, and the search company having failed to detect them.
Even when a specialist stowaway search company is appointed, as an extra precaution the crew should carry out a final thorough stowaway search before the vessel sails.
Further information regarding stowaways can be found in our loss prevention briefing.